decoding .bdf files
Edward Luke
lush at EE.MsState.Edu
Wed Nov 21 14:07:07 AEST 1990
In article <3276 at> wolf at (Mike Wolf) writes:
Organization: Cardiovascular Image Processing Laboratory, U of Iowa
Lines: 17
I have two files, standard.bdf and xconq.bdf, these are supposed
to be X11 font files encoded. How do I decode them? The README
file with the archives says to smply do 'make X11fonts', but I get
the following when I try this:
I have found that using the program 'bdf2snf' works as a font
converter, and then use the program 'mkfontdir' to include the fonts
in the current font directory. Also use 'xset +fp <font directory>'
to add a fontdirectory for your server to access if these font files
are not placed with the system fonts. I can't remember the
particulars, but I am sure the man pages on these utilities will clear
things up.
Ed Luke Mississippi State University
lush at
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