Makefiles -- .c and .h

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at
Tue Nov 20 10:24:35 AEST 1990

In article <ERICCO.90Nov19112308 at>, ericco at (Eric C. Olson) writes:
|> Why not compile the object files directly into a compilation dependent
|> library.  Like:

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how this resolves the problem of
dependencies on include files.  Your answer doesn't seem to have anything at
all to do with include files.

|> 	ar a $@ $(?:.c=.o)
|> lib%.a	: $(SRC)

What do the "(?:.c=.o)" and "%" do?  I can guess given the context, but these
are *not* portable Make constructs...

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710

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