how to put a program into .plan file

Root Boy Jim Cottrell rbj at uunet.UU.NET
Thu Oct 4 13:08:16 AEST 1990

In article <2534 at polari.UUCP> 6sigma2 at polari.UUCP (Brian Matthews) writes:
>|An even better snoop catcher is to put an executable 'ls' in your directory.
>No UNIX hacker who deserves the name has . or an empty field in their
>Brian L. Matthews	blm at 6sceng.UUCP

I just checked mimsy. Chris Torek has `.' last in his path.

On our machine, the following people have `.' first:

	Rick Adams
	Brandon Allbery
	Robert Elz (kre)
	Dan Heller (argv)

The following people have `.' last:

	Rich Salz (rsalz)
	Eric Allman
	John Quarterman (jsq)
	Peter Honeyman
	Kirk McKusick
	Guy Harris

I put `.' first as well as most of the other staff here. I suppose
the reason is that, in keeping with the original UNIX philosophy,
we value convenience over security. Those who are slighty more
cautious (esp if they live on university machines :-) put `.' last.

I suppose we could all live without `.' in our path easily enuf.
Perhaps it is habit and optimism that keep it there.

	Root Boy Jim Cottrell
	<rbj at>

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