termcap str + params -> control seq. How?

Dick Heijne CCS/TS dick at ahds.UUCP
Fri Apr 5 19:51:51 AEST 1991

In article <577 at bria>,  writes:
> (...)
> you could always switch to the *real thing* and use terminfo instead. :-)
The only(?) disadvantage of this *real thing* is, that you can't introduce
new entries, which is quite simple in termcap. So far, I didn't find any
advantage of terminfo over termcap. After solving the two-character entryname
limit of termcap by writing my own libtermcap.a (with a variable buffersize
instead of the standard 1K and unlimited entryname-length) I keep prefering
termcap over terminfo for its greater flexibility.

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