looking for a good UNIX book

Doug Morse root at salespro.raidernet.com
Thu Apr 25 05:04:48 AEST 1991

In article <73118 at brunix.UUCP>, jmf at cs.brown.edu (Justin Ferrari) writes:
> I am interested in buying a book on UNIX programming, but
> today I went to the bookstore and was overwhelmed.  I didn't
> realize that there would be so many books on the subject.
> Some of the books definitely looked better than others, but
> many looked comparable. 

I higly recommend the Waite Group's _Advance UNIX - A Programmer's Guide_.
It has a great number of tricks for programmining in UNIX, but starts
at a very easy, pratical level.

|||||||||||||  SALESPRO International                               Doug Morse
|||||||||||||  Two Brentwood Commons
|||||||||||||  750 Old Hickory Blvd. #150      ..uunet!raidernet!salespro!doug
|||||||||||||  Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027
|||||||||||||  615.371.6187  615.371.6196 Fax      doug at salespro.raidernet.com

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