Socket Flush...

David Jacobson rimux dcj at AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM
Wed Apr 3 01:29:49 AEST 1991

>   I have a little different situation than above...maybe someone could
> shed some light on it:
>          __________                 ____________
>         | "sender" | ---SOCKET---> | "receiver" |
>         |__________|               |____________|
>   My sender is writing data to the receiver via a socket.  The
> sender is told by another process that all the data it is currently
> writing to to the receiver is BAD.  Questions:
>   Can I clear the socket from the senders (writer's) end?
>   Can I read data from a socket I've been writing to and discard it
>     (bidirectional) ?
>   How would YOU keep the receiver from processing the remaining
>     BAD data its reading from the socket?

I have since solved this problem by RTFMing on Out-of-band data
(which was specifically invented for clearing sockets as far as
I can tell).

SunOS Network Programming Guide pp 302 - 304.

Unix Network Programming, W. Richard Stevens, pp 332 - 333
   ...and see the excellent rlogin example,  pp 625 - 665.

Thanx to Jonathan Kamens and Mike Sykora for putting me on the right track.
David Jacobson.

____________________________________ _______________________________________
             .                      |  David C. Jacobson
=========___/ \___    Lockheed      |  (512) 386-4267
   =======`/ . \'  Austin Division  |  INTERNET:
      ====/'   `\       (LAD)       |    dcj at

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