Object Oriented Shell

Nik Simpson x4333 nik at st_nik!swindon.ingr.com
Tue Feb 5 04:02:57 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan29.173315.6399 at ibmpcug.co.uk> bill at ibmpcug.co.uk (Bill Birch) writes:
>		Bill Birch's Object-Oriented Shell (oosh)
>			2 November 1990
	I think it is worth mentioning that there is at least one commercial
product that has very similar capabilities to this,  the product is
Looking Glass from VISIX,  I daresay the X.Desktop from IXI also provides
similar functionality.
	The description of how your "classes" would work could be describing
the file typing language of Looking Glass.
|  Nik Simpson	UUCP :uunet!ingr!swindon!st_nik!nik|
|  Systems Consultant (UNIX).   Intergraph UK Ltd. |

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