Is there a Bourne-shell .logout script?

John Chambers jc at cdx39.UUCP
Wed Dec 3 05:46:41 AEST 1986

OK, all you shell experts out there, here's the question of
the day for y'all.

The C-shell runs a script called $home/.logout when you tell
it to log you out.  Is there any way to get the Bourne shell
to do something similar?

What we have is a situation where a lot of users need to run
one of several commands when they logout, and for C-shell users,
it's easy.  We have a small coterie of Bourne-shell users who
want to have the same "automatically run .foo on logout" that
the C-shell users use.  

I'd hate to have to tell them to use the C-shell; they'd just
have to unlearn it all when we get a K-shell.  {:-}

	John M Chambers			Phone: 617/364-2000x7304
Email: ...{adelie,harvax,inmet,mcsbos,mit-eddie,mot[bos],rclex}!cdx39!{jc,news,root,usenet,uucp}
Smail: Codex Corporation; Mailstop C1-30; 20 Cabot Blvd; Mansfield MA 02048-1193

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