UNIX stat. packages

Steven M. Miller steve at umnd-cs.UUCP
Sat Dec 27 07:50:32 AEST 1986

In article <5470 at brl-smoke.ARPA>, zeta at brl-smoke.ARPA (Linda L. C. Moss ) writes:
> Are there any statistical packages that will run on UNIX, in particular
> a GOULD 2.0 UTX (4.3 BSD based)?  I read that S is available for UNIX,
> but I do not know anything about it.  

S is a great Stats package, but can't really be compared with any of the others - SAS, Minitab...

S is an interactive package best run on a graphics terminal or workstation.
It basically is a great system for getting graphical output and for applying
statistical functions to data until you get the output you find informative.
I've also used it simply to graph formulas etc.

If you get source you can also fairly easily write device drivers for 
whatever output device you have - device drivers do exist for AT&T terminals
(of course), most HP plotters, Textronix graphics terminals, Postscript printers and Sun's.

S is useless if you just want an automatic report generator.  It will probably
do the job, but not as well as SAS or Minitab or any of the others.

S is available from AT&T for a reasonable fee to Universities, I have no idea
what they charge the real world.

I have heard of other smaller Unix packages, but have no experience with them.


Spoken: Steven M. Miller  UUCP: umnd-cs!steve  CSNET: steve%umn-duluth.csnet
			  ARPA: steve%umnd-cs-gw.ARPA at umn-rei-uc.ARPA
USNail: Computer Science Dept, University of Minnesota at Duluth 
        10 University Drive, Duluth, MN  55812

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