Division by Zero questions?

Scott Holt scott at gitpyr.gatech.EDU
Mon Nov 17 10:04:39 AEST 1986

>Now, I feel the AT&T is doing the correct thing. The question is what in the
>world is my Zilog doing, and where do those "NAN" and "INF" messages come from
>on the printf statements.

   I suspect that INF means INFinite (which is what some people call the 
result of devision by zero) and NAN means "Not A Number." 

   Some machines have a floating point representation for infinity and a
corresponding integer representation. Such machines may allow operations
that result in infinity and only give an error when infinity is used in
another calculation.  Since the machine has a representation for infinity,
the I/O routines need a way to print this value...hence INF/NAN.

                     - Scott Holt
                       scott at gitpyr

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