INFO-UNIX Digest V3#073

black at ee.UCLA.EDU black at ee.UCLA.EDU
Wed Feb 25 08:01:14 AEST 1987

> 	(cmd 2>&1) | tee log
> 	(exec cmd 2>&1) | tee log
> 	Well is there some other syntax or funny combination of >|12& to use ?

	You betcha!  Try
	script |& pipeprog
	script >& logfile

	Works for me.

	Rex Black
	black at                                          ARPA        
	...!{ihnp4,ucbvax,sdcrdcf,trwspp}!ucla-cs!uclaee!black     UUCP

	"My baby left me--my mule went lame;
	I lost all my money in a poker game;
	A wind storm came just the other day--
	Blew the house that I lived in away!
	I'm having so much trouble, so much trouble;
	So much trouble I'm about to lose my mind."
		-- George Thoroughgood

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