withdrawing E-mail

bob at osu-eddie.UUCP bob at osu-eddie.UUCP
Fri Feb 20 04:05:19 AEST 1987

In article <3152 at osu-eddie.UUCP> lien at osu-eddie.UUCP writes:
>3. With the help of super user, the latest time in current
>   UNIX system  is the time before it is sent out to other net
>   or the time it is read by the receiver if it is local.

I understand that it is illegal in the US for me to physically take an
envelope out of another person's mailbox once the postman has
delivered it, even if I was the one that sent it to him.

By analogy, it is unethical for me to to edit
/usr/spool/mail/recipient, even if I am able (as superuser),
regardless of whether I sent it or not.
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob at ohio-state.{arpa,csnet} or ...!cb{osgd,att}!osu-eddie!bob
 (614) 292 - 0915 or (614) 292 - 5813

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