AWK question

lesh at BRL.ARPA lesh at BRL.ARPA
Tue Jan 27 06:14:59 AEST 1987

	I would like to use 'awk' to segregate data from a master file
into specific files with the filename based on the contents of a
specific field in one of the input records.  'awk' permits directing printed
output to filenames specified in quoted variables.

	"Without quotes, the file names are treated as uninitialized
variables and all output then goes to the same file."*1  Unquoted variables
thus provide the vehicle to files named from a value obtained from a field
of a previous record.

	"Users should also note that there is an upper limit to the
number of files that are written in this way.  At present it is ten."*1

	I can't find any way to close a file opened by 'awk' and very
soon get the "too many opened files error message". 

	Any suggestions?

1. Support Tools Guide, p. 6-31.

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