Mt. Xinu vs. ULTRIX

Dave Marquardt dave at rosevax.Rosemount.COM
Thu Jan 15 15:32:04 AEST 1987

We are trying to decide whether to purchase Mt. Xinu 4.3 BSD+NFS or DEC's
ULTRIX, so I am looking for comments about these products, good or bad.
Also, if you've used both products, I'd be very interested in comparisons.
We are especially interested in knowing what kind of support we can expect
from Mt. Xinu or DEC.  Please respond by mail.  Thanks in advance.

	Dave Marquardt
	Rosemount, Inc.
	dave at rosevax.Rosemount.COM
Dave Marquardt			New mail: dave at rosevax.Rosemount.COM
Rosemount, Inc.			Old mail: {cbosgd,ihnp4,uiucdcs}!rosevax!dave
12001 Technology Drive		Telephone: 612/828-3057
Eden Prairie, MN   55344

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