Append file commands for Unix & ex/vi

John Wright/Dr. Pat Lane lane at dalcs.UUCP
Mon Jan 12 01:15:09 AEST 1987

Is there a way to append a range of text to a file from vi/ex (as opposed
to 'w' which writes or over-writes)?

Are there simple Unix commands to append files with syntax and action similar
to 'cp' and 'mv'.  I developed the following alii and I'm wondering if they
are necessary:
	alias append cat !:1 >>!:2`test -d !:2 && echo /!:1`
	alias tack append !:1 !:2 && rm !:1

	(I would accept suggestions on a better name for the latter!)

Many thanks.

John Wright      //////////////////      Phone:  902-424-3805  or  902-424-6527
Post:  c/o Dr Pat Lane, Biology Dept, Dalhousie U, Halifax, NS, Canada, B3H-1J4
Ean/Bitnet: lane at cs.dal.cdn    Arpa: lane%cs.dal.cdb%ubc.csnet at
Uucp:{seismo,watmath,utai,garfield}!dalcs!lane  Csnet:lane%cs.dal.cdn at ubc.csnet	

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