DR11Q-CF Driver for uVAX wanted - (nf)

woerz at iaoobelix.UUCP woerz at iaoobelix.UUCP
Sat Jan 31 06:27:00 AEST 1987


Does anyone know of a driver for the DRQ11-CF for a uVAX running
Ultrix V1.2. The driver must only accept simple read and write calls
from the application, so that there should be no need to know the
data, that goes through the interface.
Can you please mail the information (or the driver), since we do not
receive the newgroup at this moment on a regulary basis.

Thanks in advance

Dieter Woerz
Fraunhofer Institut fuer Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation
Abt. 453
Holzgartenstrasse 17
D-7000 Stuttgart 1

BITNET: ...unido.bitnet!iaoobel.uucp!woerz
UUCP:   ...seismo!unido!iaoobel!woerz

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