Printing troff files to laser

Yuan Chang yuan at
Fri Aug 26 19:08:27 AEST 1988

Hi.  I have been using ptroff (Postscript troff) by Adobe Systems and
troff2lj (troff to LaserJet) by Sverre Froyen (revised by David MacKenzie)
to dump troff files to Apple LaserWriter NT and HP LaserJet II,
respectively.  Both normally works very well with various troff macros.
But when I'm dumping files using the 'man' macros, everything messes up.  
Somehow both programs fails to issue form-feed at the end of a page.  From
the looks of it, I'd say that 'man' macro expect Un*x manual-sized papers,
while both programs are stuck to standard 8.5" x 11".  Question is that
could I print the manual pages on either printer w/o having to change the
'man' macro?   						Thanks

Yuan Chang 				      "What can go wrong, did"
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