Does anyone still use Multics??

Steve DeJarnett steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Sat Dec 3 13:24:53 AEST 1988

	With the recent discussions about old GE systems and where GECOS came 
from, I started to wonder if anyone still used Multics on any systems.  Are
there any sites out there that run Multics??  Is there any source code 
available for it (since I'm asking).  I presume it would have been written
in something like FORTRAN.  

	We hypothesized that maybe Bell Labs or MIT might be.

	Well, just curious.

	Thanks in advance,

| Steve DeJarnett            | Smart Mailers -> steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU     |
| Computer Systems Lab       | Dumb Mailers  -> ..!ucbvax!voder!polyslo!steve |
| Cal Poly State Univ.       |------------------------------------------------|
| San Luis Obispo, CA  93407 | BITNET = Because Idiots Type NETwork           |

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