Accessing files by inode #s
Frank Caggiano
caggiano at esquire.UUCP
Thu Feb 4 04:05:54 AEST 1988
In article <11470 at brl-adm.ARPA> iunix1 at (Will Martin) writes:
>One common problem we have encountered here in using UNIX-based office
>automation systems is people accidentally creating files with odd names,
[ Goes on to request info on how to remove the file with the odd name ]
>Will Martin
>wmartin at ALMSA-1.ARPA (on USENET try "...!uunet!!wmartin")
Two methods that have always worked for me are:
rm -i [some combination of chars to narrow done the list]
This will ask you for each file if it should be removed, just skip the
ones you don't want removed and answer y to the errant file. Be careful
with this however as foo^Ybar and foobar will both show up as foobar.
If there are a number of files you want removed or you don't feel like
stepping through rm -i use:
%ls > filename
%vi filename
Now remove all lines in the file which do not match the files you want removed
then add a rm (or rm -i if you are paranoid) in front of each filename left.
exit vi then run
%sh filename
(or make filename executable and run it)
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