Getting print line to wrap around

Barnacle Wes wes at obie.UUCP
Mon Feb 8 09:54:04 AEST 1988

In article <470 at wa3wbu.UUCP>, john at wa3wbu.UUCP (John Gayman) writes:
>                                     What do I have to do to get the 
> printer to wrap the lines around rather than just cut them off ?

Try using:
	pr -t -w80 file | lp

Look at the man page for pr in section 1 of the runtime system
documentation.  Pr will do quite a bit of formatting for you; it is
especially good for printing source files with headers and line

You might also want to see if your printer can do 12cpi (96-wide) or
16cpi (136-wide) printing; the 12cpi is quite often more readable on a
dot matrix printer.

    /\              - " Against Stupidity,  -    {backbones}!
   /\/\  .    /\    -  The Gods Themselves  -  utah-cs!utah-gr!
  /    \/ \/\/  \   -   Contend in Vain."   -  uplherc!sp7040!
 / U i n T e c h \  -        Isaac Asimov   -     obie!wes

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