Wanted: intro to Unix for people with DOS experience

Prentiss Riddle riddle at woton.UUCP
Tue Feb 2 04:08:20 AEST 1988

== Date: Sat, 30 Jan 88 14:49:10 MST
== From: im4u!ames!isis!aburt (Andrew Burt)
== To: woton!riddle
== Subject: Re: Wanted: intro to Unix for people with DOS experience
== There is another book, though I'm not surprised nobody told you about
== it.  "Dos|Unix systems, becoming a super user" by Seyer and Mills,
== Prentice-Hall, 1986, ISBN 0-13-218645-4.  It's aimed straight at AT&T
== micros (6300, 7300, 3B2) users, with pictures of windows, etc.
== It compares dos to Unix, later in the book.
== It's not great, but you might look into an examination copy.
== I think it would be easier just to whip something up comparing the most
== used dos vs. Unix commands.
== Andrew Burt 				   			isis!aburt
==               Fight Denver's pollution:  Don't Breathe and Drive.

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