AWK Bug?

Kjell Post kjepo at
Sun Feb 28 13:31:31 AEST 1988

Recently, Alfred Aho and Ravi Sethi wrote an article in Software, 
Practice & Experience about maintaining cross references in manuscripts.
The article contained the following script:

	grep -h "^\. at tag" sample | awk '
			{ print "s/" $3 "/" ++value[$2] "/g" }
		END	{ print "/^\\. at tag/d" }
	' > xref.script
	sed -f xref.script sample > out

However, the "/" after $3 never came out.
For some reason, inserting 'foo' after the "/" did the trick:

	grep -h "^\. at tag" sample | awk '
			{ print "s/" $3 "/" foo ++value[$2] "/g" }
		END	{ print "/^\\. at tag/d" }
	' > xref.script
	sed -f xref.script sample > out

This was on a Sun 3/50 running SunOS 3.2 (UNIX 4.2BSD).
       (Y F) = (F (Y F))           |Dept of Comp&Info Science, Linkoping Sweden
"This super-amazing, clever thing" |          kjepo at
	- G.J. Sussman             |     ...liuida!!kjepo

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