System V yacc / perl problem

Rick Richardson rick at pcrat.UUCP
Wed Feb 17 22:44:08 AEST 1988

In article <1675 at van-bc.UUCP> sl at van-bc.UUCP (Stuart Lynne) writes:
>I can successfully generate perl on my ancient Callan (a Unisoft 5.0 system, 
>basically System V release level 0 with some BSD ism's), but not on my modern,
>uptodate, state of the art System V release 3 for the 386 at work!!!
>The problem is yacc. I get the following results when make try's to generate
>perl.c from perl.y:
>	 fatal error: out of state space, line 595

Most likely, your YACC has been compiled with the "smaller" config
parameters - suitable for machines with limited addressing (e.g. 286).
I'd bitch loud and long at the supplier.
	Rick Richardson, President, PC Research, Inc.
(201) 542-3734 (voice, nights)   OR   (201) 834-1378 (voice, days)

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