public domain version of rdist?

Dave Marquardt dave at gorbash.Rosemount.COM
Thu Feb 4 05:55:13 AEST 1988

In article <4065 at gorbash.Rosemount.COM> dave at gorbash.Rosemount.COM () writes:
>We have the program "rdist" on a number of our machines here, but some of
>them do NOT have rdist, so rdist only solves part of our distribution problems.
>We have the sources in our 4.3 BSD tape, and I'm trying to find out the 
>legality of moving that source to other, non-source-licensed machines.  If this
>is not possible, is anyone aware of a public domain implementation or rdist
>that can be had?

Well, for those interested, Keith Bostic at UC Berkeley informed me that
since "rdist" contains no AT&T code, we can, under our BSD license, move
it to our other, non-source-licensed, machines.

I didn't specifically ask about the situation where you run UNIX and don't
have a source license, but would like to run a common version of rdist
on all your systems.  I suppose you still need to license "rdist" from Berkeley
somehow, or else Berkeley needs to say it's okay to use it.


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