Steve DeJarnett steve at polyslo.UUCP
Fri Feb 19 06:02:38 AEST 1988

In article <9806 at udenva.cair.du.edu> news at udenva.cair.du.edu (netnews) writes:
>	Where can I find a good discussion of yacc? I don't mean an
>exposition on the internals of yacc, but practical examples of how to
>use it. Further, are there any PD versions floating about - I need to
>port this to a PDP running RSX-11M (don't laugh, we have lex running so far).

	Try looking at Kernighan and Pike (The Unix Programming Environment).
There is (I believe -- I don't have my copy handy, and it's been a while since
I looked) a fairly longish tutorial on the uses of yacc.

	Hope this helps.

| Steve DeJarnett		|    ...!ihnp4!csun!polyslo!steve	      |
| Computer Systems Lab		|    ...!{csustan,csun,sdsu}!polyslo!steve    |
| Cal Poly State Univ.		|    ...!ucbvax!voder!polyslo!steve	      |
| San Luis Obispo, CA  93407	|    					      |
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