cron: b queue max run limit exceeded

Stuart D. Gathman stuart at bms-at.UUCP
Sat Feb 20 04:43:56 AEST 1988

The max run limit message above is often printed on our system console
along with a rescheduling message.  This is annoying since we run applications
on the console.  (No flames on this please - our budget is tight.)

What causes this message?  Where does cron print it?  To cron's stderr?
To /dev/console?  Is there a way to change the limit?  I am hoping that
a simple redirection of stderr in /etc/rc will fix the problem, but although
strings reveals that the message comes from cron, there is no documentation
as to what is means.  We run reports using the batch/at -qb command.  This
indicates that the message has something to do with the batch queue.  But,
we are unable to duplicate the message by queueing up lots of reports!?

Please E-mail responses.
Stuart D. Gathman	<stuart at bms-at.uucp>

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