NO SPACE Error message

wjc at ho5cad.ATT.COM wjc at ho5cad.ATT.COM
Wed Feb 24 03:27:20 AEST 1988

In article <1733 at rtech.UUCP> russ at llama.rtech.UUCP (Russ Spence) writes:
>In article <225 at mccc.UUCP> pjh at mccc.UUCP (Peter J. Holsberg) writes:
>>I don't understand where in / these blocks are being used, and why --
>>allof a sudden, / is crowded.  (My system has 3 file systems: /, /usr,
>>and /usr2.)  I'm guessing that things are happening in /tmp, right? 
>/tmp is used by the compiler to store temporary files.  When
>compiling a very large file (or many small files) you run out
>of space on / because of the amount of space used in /tmp for
>C compilations.  You should probably increase the size of
>/ (or move /tmp to another file system, or its own file system).
>Unfortunately, this is usually a painful process on a 3B.  You

There is some  luck possible here.  If   the only thing  you're having
problems  with is during  compile sorts of things,  then it is easy to
change   the temporary directory  used  by   many  versions   of "cc".
Obviously,  this won't cure all  your  problems if some other sorts of
stuff are crowding /tmp.

Assuming you have plenty of space in /usr/tmp, try

	TMPDIR=/usr/tmp; export TMPDIR

(some "cc"'s use TEMPDIR instead).

To  see if this  causes "cc"  to use /usr/tmp,  just do  a medium long
compile  and abort  it in  the middle.  The scratch files  are usually
left hanging around, so see if they show  up in /usr/tmp.   If so, put
the above line in /etc/profile and  that should  unclog /tmp  for you.
(Some "cc"'s use /tmp by default, others /usr/tmp.)

	Bill Carpenter
	(AT&T gateways)!ho5cad!wjc
	HO 1L-410, (201)949-8392, OCW x4367

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