Chris Torek chris at mimsy.UUCP
Wed Jun 29 15:04:30 AEST 1988

In article <214 at pigs.UUCP> haugj at pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie) writes:
>What exactly does an RCS file look like.

It looks like this?  (There, that gives an appropriate distribution
of ? and . characters, if not in the right places :-) )  Comments by
me appear on the far right.

head     1.1;					most recent rev
access   ;					list of authorised users
symbols  ;					names for specific rev's
locks    ;					owners of locks on rev's
comment  @# @;					for log messages; can ignore

						descriptor for rev 1.1
date;  author chris;  state Exp;
branches ;
next     ;

desc						descriptive text
@program to test for Vax 11/785 cpu bug

						latest rev is 1.1
log						log message about rev 1.1
@Initial revision
text						text of rev 1.1
@start:	.word	0
	movl	$0x80000000,r11
0:	extzv	$13,$4,-4(r11),r0
	brb	0b
						if there were deltas,
						differences to convert 1.1
						to (say) 0.9 would appear
						here (although 1.1 is
						always the first rev,
						unless you force it to
						be higher).

						the next delta might
						then convert rev 0.9 to
						rev 0.8.  In each case a
						delta is a series of `d #'
						and `a # <text>' lines, with
						text quoted in `@' signs.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci Dept (+1 301 454 7163)
Domain:	chris at mimsy.umd.edu	Path:	uunet!mimsy!chris

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