Clark Morgan clarkm at tekig4.TEK.COM
Sat Jun 25 13:35:15 AEST 1988

In article <8979 at dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU> andyb at burcoat.uucp (Andy Behrens) writes:
>First get rid of any tabs that are in the file, then ":set tabstop=60".
>This will force vi not to use a tab unless the line is indented at
>least 60 spaces.
>You won't be able to use the tab key any more, but you can still use ^T
>and ^D for indenting.  You might like to map the tab key to ^T if you
>are used to it.  (:map ^V^V^I ^V^T).
>					Andy Behrens
Yep, this is about the same technique I use.  But it sure is a pain in
the butt if you've set up the EXINIT environment variable like Andy
describes above _and then_ edit a file that's littered with tabs.

Flick bic:

	Vi is a nice editor: it gets the job done quickly and uses
	minimal key strokes to accomplish a given task.  But I can't
	stand the fact that it puts tabs in my documents/programs when
	I never even touched the Tab key.  If the designers of this
	program thought that auto-tab-insertion was such a neat idea,
	how come they didn't go the extra mile and give us an option
	that says:  "I won't auto-tab your files."  Lord knows Vi has
	an option for everything else :-).

	Are you listening AT&T, Berkely?
Clark Morgan, Tektronix Lab Instruments Engineering  (503) 627-3545
clarkm at tekig4.LEN.TEK.COM  |  {...,decvax,uw-beaver}!tektronix!tekig4!clarkm  
US Mail: Tektronix, P.O. Box 500, DS 39-087, Beaverton, OR  97077

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