Moderator, John S. Quarterman
std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Tue Jun 28 11:27:27 AEST 1988
echo calendar.t
sed -e 's/^X//' >calendar.t <<'shar.calendar.t.2301'
XFrom: std-unix at (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
XNewsgroups: comp.std.unix,,comp.unix.questions
XSubject: Calendar of UNIX-related Events
XExpires: 19 Jul 88 21:45:37 GMT
XReply-To: std-unix at (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
XApproved: jsq at (Moderator, John S. Quarterman)
X.hy 0
XHere is a combined calendar of planned conferences, workshops, or
Xstandards meetings by various organizations.
XI compiled it for my own use and thought it might be of some public interest.
XMost of this information came from the various conference organizers,
Xalthough some was taken from ;login: (USENIX), 13, 1, Jan/Feb 1988
Xand CommUNIXations (/usr/group), VII, 6, Nov/Dec 1987.
XIf your favorite meeting is not listed, it's probably because
XI don't know about it.
XIf you send me information on it, I will probably list it both here and
Xin the companion article, ``Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications.''
XThere is also another companion article,
X``Access to UNIX-Related Standards,'' that appears only in comp.std.unix.
XDates and places for IEEE 1003 after Oct 1988 are
Xtentative, and also for the 1992 UniForum.
XChanges since last posting:
X.if n FormFeed '$Date: 88/06/27 20:11:55 $'Calendar of UNIX-Related Events'comp.std.unix'
Xl1 l1 l1 .
Xyear mon days conference (sponsor,) (hotel,) location
X1988 Jul 6-8 U Symposium JUS, Tokyo, Japan
X1988 Jul 4-6 AMIX Israel
X1988 Jul 11-15 IEEE 1003 Tech Center Hyatt, Denver, CO
X1988 Aug 2-4 UniForum/DC Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
X1988 Aug 15-19 ANSI X3J11 Cupertino, CA
X1988 Aug 29-30 U Security W USENIX, Portland, OR
X1988 Sep 13-15 AUUG Melbourne, Australia
X1988 Sep 14-16 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, New York, NY
X1988 Sep 26-27 U&Supercomp. W USENIX, Pittsburgh, PA
X1988 Sep 27-29 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Los Angeles, CA
X1988 Oct 3-7 EUUG Lisbon, Portugal
X1988 Oct 11-13 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Tokyo, Japan
X1988 Oct 17-21 DECUS S Anaheim, California
X1988 Oct 17-21 C++ Conference USENIX, Denver, CO
X1988 Oct 17-19,20-21 ISO SC22 & WG15 Tokyo, Japan
X1988 Oct 24-28 IEEE 1003 Hawaii
X1988 Oct 25-27 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, London, England
X1988 Oct UNIX Expo New York, NY
X1988 Nov 9-11 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Boston, MA
X1988 Nov 17-18 Large Install. Syst. Adm. W II, USENIX, Monterey, CA
X1988 Nov 10-11 U Symposium JUS, Osaka, Japan
X1988 Nov 29-Dec 1 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Chicago, IL
X1988 Dec Sun User Group southern U.S.A.
X1988 Dec UNIX Fair JUS, Tokyo, Japan
X1988 Dec 12-16 ANSI X3J11 Seattle, WA
X1988 Dec 13-15 V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Washington, DC
X1988 TBA V.4 Soft. Dev. AT&T and Sun, Toronto, ON
X1989 Jan 9-13 IEEE 1003 Embassy Suites, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
X1989 Jan 31-Feb 3 USENIX Town and Country, San Diego, CA
X1989 Feb U in Gov. C&T Ottawa, ON
X1989 Feb 28-Mar 3 UniForum Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
X1989 Apr 10-11 ANSI X3J11 Phoenix, AZ
X1989 Apr 17(29?) IEEE 1003 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
X1989 Apr EUUG Brussels, Belgium
X1989 May 8-12 DECUS S Atlanta, Georgia
X1989 May U 8x/etc C&T /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
X1989 Jun 12-16 USENIX Hyatt Regency, Baltimore, MD
X1989 Jul 10-14 IEEE 1003 San Francisco, CA
X1989 Oct 16-20 IEEE 1003 Brussels (or Amsterdam)
X1989 Oct UNIX Expo New York, NY
X1989 Nov 6-10 DECUS S Anaheim, California
X1990 Jan 23-26 USENIX Washington, DC
X1990 Jan 23-26 UniForum Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
X1990 Jan 29 IEEE 1003 New Orleans, LA
X1990 Feb U in Gov. C&T Ottawa, ON
X1990 Apr IEEE 1003 Montreal, Quebec
X1990 May 7-11 DECUS S New Orleans, Louisiana
X1990 May U 8x/etc C&T /usr/group/cdn, Toronto, ON
X1990 Jun 11-15 USENIX Marriott, Anaheim, CA
Xl1 l1 l1 .
X1991 Jan 22-25 USENIX Dallas, TX
X1991 Jan 22-25 UniForum Infomart, Dallas, TX
X1990 Feb U in Gov. C&T Ottawa, ON
X1990 May U 8x/etc C&T Toronto, ON
X1991 Jun 10-14 USENIX Opryland, Nashville, TN
X1992 Jan 21-24 UniForum (?) Moscone Center, San Francisco CA
X.if n FormFeed
XC for Conference,
XS for Symposium,
XT for Tradeshow,
XU for UNIX,
XV.4 for System V Release 4.0,
XW for Workshop.
XUSENIX, EUUG, AUUG and DECUS sponsor conferences of the same names;
X/usr/group sponsors UniForum.
XUNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T. 'jsq at'John S. Quarterman'uunet!longway!jsq'
XVolume-Number: Volume 14, Number 25
echo Makefile
sed -e 's/^X//' >Makefile <<'shar.Makefile.2301'
Xdoc: calendar.doc
Xcalendar.alpha: calendar.t Makefile
X sed \
X -e 's/$$Date: \(.*\) ..:..:../\1/' \
X -e 's/$$Revision: //' \
X -e '/^\.tl/s/ \$$//g' \
X calendar.t > $@
Xcalendar.doc: Makefile calendar.alpha
X tbl calendar.alpha | nroff | col | uniq \
X | sed -e 's/FormFeed//g' > calendar.doc
Xcalendar.$(PR): calendar.alpha
X tbl calendar.alpha | troff -t -T$(TYPE) > $@
Xprint: calendar.$(PR)
X lpr -P$(PR) -c calendar.$(PR)
Volume-Number: Volume 14, Number 26
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