Jarmo V{is{nen vaisanen at ujocs.UUCP
Thu Jun 9 22:57:35 AEST 1988

Has anyone implemented an SQL-language interface for INGRES?
We are developing a visual interface for data-base system and
as part of it we would like to have an SQL query processor.

I remember that RTI planned to implement SQL for their
commercial INGRES but has anyone really bothered to do it
for university INGRES?

Free or cheap implementations preferred :-)  Many thanks!
Please answer to vaisanen at ujocs.Joensuu.FI

! Jarmo V{is{nen		  ! Actually that is Jarmo Vaisanen where last !
! Department of Computer Science, ! two a:s are with two dots above them.      !
! University of Joensuu, Finland  ! [Why do we have these punctuation chars in !
!				  ! our names? I may as well change my name.   !
! vaisanen at ujocs.Joensuu.FI	  ! Sigh! ...]			               !

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