maintaining UNIX system source code

Richard Stevens stevens at hsi.UUCP
Thu Mar 10 23:59:00 AEST 1988

How do you maintain the source code files for your UNIX ??

We're running 4.3 BSD on a VAX and use RCS.  What we've been doing
for the last 4 years is to leave the BSD directories (/usr/src/...)
exactly as-is from the release tape.  When we modify something, say
tar, we've been copying /usr/src/bin/tar.c into /usr/local/src/tar.c,
RCS'ing it and modifying it.  When we converted from 4.2 to 4.3 we
just looked at /usr/local/src and were able to see what we had
modified from the Berkeley release.  I'm wondering if we should just
go ahead and RCS everything in /usr/src, and make our local
modifications there, as we'd still be able to get to the original
distribution sources as RCS version 1.1.  (For the kernel itself,
we've already gone ahead and RCS'ed everything starting at /usr/src/sys,
since we've tended to modify it more than we've modified anything else
starting at /usr/src.   However, we're about to install NFS, so we'll
have to re-make almost everything in sight, so I'd like to get things
set up "best" ahead of time.)

Any ideas or comments as to how you're doing this ??

	Richard Stevens
	Health Systems International, New Haven, CT
	   { uunet | ihnp4 } ! hsi ! stevens

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