News Interface . Help with rn

Ed Wright edw at pinot
Sun Mar 27 16:18:00 AEST 1988

I am now using the rn interface.
I used to use readnews which had some features that were just
I have not been able to cause rn to duplicate my favorite
which was

readnews -pn > filename &
          ^|--- a specific group
          |- everything from last read to present
             no cute prompts, no user friendly stuff
             just dump the news
as for why, i access news through a high load average machine
and as an added benefit get to tie up a modem too ! its better
to at a c shell to dump the groups i like to read at 2am when 
the load is low, let another shell clean up things and mail me 
the result on my home machine where the load average is low, 
the nights are long, and the stars are bright.
I do not have an account on the machine where news lives so
i think that "hoses" the easy answer.

anybody know a way to make rn "take a dump in the file of 
my choice" kind of like readnews used to do ??

Ed Wright
answers e-mail or to the net as you may prefer

                                                 Never try to teach a
>>>>>>  ucbvax--\                                pig to sing. It wastes
>>>>>>>>   sun -->----zehntel !edw>/dev/null :-) your time and it
>>>>>>  varian--/                                and it annoys the pig.

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