want to read RSX-11M or RT-11 RX-50 Floppies from Ultrix

Carl M. Fongheiser cmf at cisunx.UUCP
Fri Mar 18 07:26:13 AEST 1988

In article <10623 at mimsy.UUCP> chris at mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) writes:
>/etc/arff reads RT-11 (acutally FILES-11) file systems.  Ultrix 2.x
>(maybe 1.x as well) has what looks like a complete rewrite of arff, so
>with any luck it should work on any FILES-11 structure.

FILES-11 and RT-11 file systems are NOT the same.  FILES-11 (also known
as ODS-1) is the file system used by RSX-11, and is the little brother
to ODS-2, the file system normally used by VAX/VMS.  /etc/arff reads
and writes RT-11 volumes, not FILES-11.

				Carl Fongheiser
				University of Pittsburgh
				...!pitt!cisunx!cmf   cmf at pittvms.BITNET
				cmf%unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu at vb.cc.cmu.edu

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