Implement a Remote Fork facility

Keith Gabryelski ag at elgar.UUCP
Thu Nov 3 09:43:17 AEST 1988

In article <1777 at pembina.UUCP> anthony at alberta.UUCP (Anthony Mutiso) writes:
>MY PROBLEM: How does one copy a active process 
>execution image, and restart it else where
>jumping to same location the parent process is at.

And on a related topic...

How does one stop a process in a way that it can be restarted after a
cold boot?  It would seem to me that restarting a core image would be
the best way.

I remember some discussion on restarting core dumps a few months back.
Does anyone have a copy of the thread?

Pax, Keith
ag at elgar.CTS.COM         Keith Gabryelski          ...!{ucsd, jack}!elgar!ag

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