
Paul Allen paula at bcsaic.UUCP
Tue Nov 1 11:31:56 AEST 1988

Several people have complained that tar cannot write multi-volume
backups.  While the use of tar for backups may be debatable, it is
fairly simple to write a multi-volume tar archive.  The basic idea is
to pipe the tar output to a script that has a loop containing a prompt for
the next {tape,disk} to be mounted and a dd command to copy just the
right number of blocks from stdin to the device.  I use something
similar to this in my unattended-dump-to-disk scheme, and it works quite

Several other complaints about tar have been voiced during this
discussion.  I would suggest that people get a copy of John Gilmore's
public domain tar program.  It's in the archives.  It supports strange
things like named pipes and devices.  It has limited support for reading
a damaged archive.  It can take a list of files to copy from stdin.
If dump/restore are not available, this program is a reasonable

Paul Allen

Paul L. Allen                       | paula at boeing.com
Boeing Advanced Technology Center   | ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!paula

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