Paging wide ( > 80 char/line) files

WU SHI-KUEI wu at spot.Colorado.EDU
Sun Nov 6 04:35:47 AEST 1988

In article <298 at kl-cs.UUCP> jonathan at (Jonathan Knight) writes:
>From article <585 at>, by ekkel at (Erik Ekkel):
>> My Informix 4GL application generates reports with more then 80 char/line.
>> Does somebody know a paging mechanism to show this reports on a normal
>> screen ???  I would like to use some horizontal scrolling features.

If your terminal supports 132 characters per line, you can take advantage
of the fact that 'pg' reads the environment variable COLS that can be set
in a shell script.  E.g.:

	export COLS
	echo "what-ever-magic-to-set-terminal-132-col-mode"
	pg $*
	echo "what-ever-magic-to-set-terminal-80-col-mode"

Juset a guest here.  In real life:
Carl Brandauer

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