
Doug Blair blair at obdient.UUCP
Thu Nov 17 22:35:56 AEST 1988

In article <17520 at adm.BRL.MIL> gaspar at almsa-1.arpa (Al Gaspar) writes:
>Does anyone know the dates, etc. for the next Uniforum?  Is it in
>conjunction with Usenix in San Diego?  Thanks much.
>Al Gaspar	<gaspar at almsa-1.arpa>
>USAMC CSDA, ATTN:  AMXAL-OW, Box 1578, St. Louis, MO  63188-1578
>COMMERCIAL:  (314) 263-5118	AUTOVON:  693-5118

I obtained these answers by calling the organization in Des Plaines, IL,
that is responsible for organizing the Uniforum convention in past years.
It turns out that they are organizing the convention again this year.
The dates of Uniforum are February 28, 1989 to March 2, 1989. The city
is San Francisco, CA. The convention center is the Moscone (as near I as
remember how to spell its name). The organizer is Professional Exposition
Management Co., Inc., 2400 E. Devon Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018, telephone
number is +1 312 299 3131. If you call or write them, you can be put on
a mailing list for the announcements.

	Randy Herber,
	rjh at yclept.chi.il.us, {att|amdahl!mcdchg}!yclept!rjh,
	(312) 979-6553 (days)

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