lint pass2 error

WU SHI-KUEI wu at spot.Colorado.EDU
Fri Nov 18 02:31:17 AEST 1988

In article <173 at> ra at (Robert Andersson) writes:
. . .
>The program in question is some 20,000 lines, spread out over ~100 files and
>~500 functions. It obviously overflows some internal lint buffer.
>Exactly what does the error message mean, and is there a way around it,
>like some 'undocumented' lint option or whatever?

I am not sure that this will help, but on our SVR2 AT&T 3B, running the 3.1
release of the compiler, lint has a -c option which allows you to run lint
on each of the source files individual source files.  Only the first pass 
is executed, with no checks for inter-function compatibility, and the
output is left in *.ln files.

Then, execute 'lint *.ln', which runs the remaining passes upon the
package as a whole.  One would hope that the *.ln files contain only data
needed to check inter-function compatibility, thus reducing the number of
names the second pass must deal with.

Incidentally, this is a neat feature to use with 'make' - individual source
files can be linted as they are created and then the whole shebang tested
for overall compatibility.

Hope this helps - In real life:
Carl Brandauer

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