
James da Silva jds at mimsy.UUCP
Tue Nov 1 08:12:30 AEST 1988

In article <262 at mpx2.UUCP> erik at mpx2.UUCP (Erik Murrey) writes:
> ... It also seems to me that it dumps
>disk blocks in order of the disk itself, rather than the order of the
>file.  This means that restoring a filesystem will *not* reduce
>the fragmentation.  (Which is often why I backup/restore in the
>first place.)  ...

The BSD dump format goes roughly like this:

	Dump Header
	File Removal List (an inode bitmap)
	File Dump List	  ( " )
	The directories
	The files

The files are dumped in inode order (file with inode 10 is dumped before
inode 11 and so forth), and the files are contiguous rather than

				- Jaime

usenet:   uunet!mimsy!jds 				James da Silva
internet: jds at mimsy.umd.edu

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