
Thomas Hameenaho thomas at uplog.se
Tue Nov 22 00:32:25 AEST 1988

In article <895 at ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM> John.Cavanaugh at StPaul.NCR.COM (John David Cavanaugh) writes:
>I recently made a change to one of the yacc grammar definitions (the
>.y file), and when I run yacc, I get a message saying, "fatal error:
>too many states."  When I run yacc with -v on a slightly simplified
>.y file, it tells me that it is defining 748 of 750 states.
>My question is:  is there any way I can increase the number of states?

Not without recompiling yacc.

Real life:	Thomas Hameenaho		Email:	thomas at uplog.{se,uucp}
Snail mail:	TeleLOGIC Uppsala AB		Phone:	+46 18 189406
		Box 1218			Fax:	+46 18 132039
		S - 751 42 Uppsala, Sweden

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