How to disable BRK signal?

Tom Gorodecki tom at taux01.UUCP
Thu Nov 24 06:16:53 AEST 1988

Hello ,
On Sun-4/280 with console on ttya a brk signal is used
as an escape character to PROM prompt . This is very 
inconvenient , because turning the console off or
disconnecting the RS232 wire brings the system down.

I tried to connect few pins on the RS232 cable but without 
How can i disable the brk signal (by software or hardware )?
Thanks in advance

Gorodecki Tom.  National Semiconductor (IC)
6 Maskit st. P.O.B. 3007, Herzlia B,  46 104, Israel
UUCP:  {hplabs,pyramid,sun,decwrl}!nsc!taux01!tom
domain:  tom%taux01 at

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