FSF phone/address?

John M Chambers jc at heart-of-gold
Wed Nov 16 01:19:55 AEST 1988

Recently, someone posted info on contacting the Free Software Foundation.
Could someone post it again?  I have had a couple of requests from friends
and I suspect others might be interested, too.

Also, a semi-related question:  What's the best way to get ahold of GNU
emacs?  Are there several versions extant?  Can someone tell me anything
about good/bad features of each?  Which is most likely to be usable on
a rather small (128K) machine?

From:	John Chambers <mitre-bedford.arpa!heart-of-gold!jc>
>From	...!linus!!heart-of-gold!jc (John Chambers)
Phone	617/217-7780
[Send flames; they keep it cool in this lab :-]

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