TERMCAP entry for vt220, anyone

Leo de Wit leo at philmds.UUCP
Fri Nov 4 16:10:41 AEST 1988

In article <601 at infmx.UUCP> aland at infmx.UUCP (Dr. Scump) writes:
|One problem is that when you are in vt220 mode, your ESCAPE key no
|longer generates the ESCAPE character (ascii 27), it generates
|"CSI 2 3 ~" instead (for use as F11).  Therefore, another key (no pun
|intended) question is: how do you generate ESC from the keyboard in 
|vt220 mode?  (When in vt100 mode, ESC is generated using the ESC/F11 key).

Use ^[ (Control [).
I worked once on a adm3a that has no TAB key; had to use ^I instead 8-).
Are we going back to the old days with those modern sofisticated keyboards?


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