UNIX for LSI-11/23

carroll at s.cs.uiuc.edu carroll at s.cs.uiuc.edu
Sat Nov 12 03:04:00 AEST 1988

	I've come into possession of a LSI-11/23, with a 30Meg DSD hard
drive and 8" floppy. As far as I know, it all works, and I'd like to
put UNIX up on it. Is there any PD UNIX stuff, already compiled{_,
that I could get a hold of? Anywhere in Illinois would be fine, or even
western Indiana, if there are any chapters of DECUS or similar organizations
around. Thanks!

Alan M. Carroll          "How many danger signs did you ignore?
carroll at s.cs.uiuc.edu     How many times had you heard it all before?" - AP&EW
CS Grad / U of Ill @ Urbana    ...{ucbvax,pur-ee,convex}!s.cs.uiuc.edu!carroll

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