HP 9000 Harddisks

Dave Remien dave at pmafire.UUCP
Sun Nov 20 17:44:14 AEST 1988

In article <671 at hscfvax.harvard.edu> pavlov at hscfvax.harvard.edu (G.Pavlov) writes:
>In article <259 at ists>, mathieu at ists.yorku.ca (Pierre Mathieu) writes:
>> to know if there are any harddisks out there compatible
>> with the HP products that can be hooked up via an HP-IB
>> on an HP9000 series 300 computer system?
<>  The only company that I have seen publicize HP HP-IB compatible disks is
<>  Bering Industries.  The offerings were cheaper than HP's, but much more
<>  expensive than comparable units for DEC, etc.  Not particularly good per-
<>  formance-wise, either.  [Stuff deleted]

Two other companies are Herstal Automation Limited and IEM. 

Herstal is in Berkley, MI @ 313-548-2001, and IEM is in Fort Collins, CO
@ 303-223-6071. 

I haven't used any of them; just passing the info along.....

<>  greg pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny

Dave Remien - WINCO Computer Engineering Group (only somewhat confused, now)
208-526-3523 Paths: ...!bigtex!pmafire!dave | ...!ucdavis!egg-id!pma386!dave

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