Help with patching 'login'

Carl Cotner cotner at
Tue Nov 29 13:28:10 AEST 1988

I would like to implement a more detailed accounting system than what
UNIX offers.  Specifically, on the SUNs around here, I'd like a program
which prompts the user for a Job Number when he logs in.  Depending on
what task he'll be performing, he should supply an appropriate Job Number.
This JN is then recorded into a local accounting file for further

I've seen this implemented before elsewhere; but on that machine, the 
operators bought UNIX source, so they were able to patch 'login' to query
for the JN and record it.  Now I'm dealing with SUNs in which the UNIX
OS came distributed in binary only, no source.  I don't know where to begin
to implement this.  Does anyone done this before?

cotner at brahms.Berkeley.EDU

ucbvax!brahms!cotner	           Carl Cotner/UCB Math Dept/Berkeley CA 94720

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