What's a gnode?

V. Srinivasan srinivas at speedy.cs.wisc.edu
Sat Nov 5 04:58:10 AEST 1988

In article <374 at elan.UUCP|, jlo at elan.UUCP (Jeff Lo) writes:
| Lately we have been getting a number of "out of gnodes" or "gnode: table
| is full" messages. The machine is a MicroVAX II running Ultrix 2.3. The

A gnode is a generic i-node like structure created in memory for accessing
local and remote files in a uniform way. Every open file in the kernel has
one gnode structure associated with it. The gnode is the Ultrix counterpart
of the old in-core i-node.

Gnodes are allocated from table with a  static size fixed at kernel compile
time. In your case the problem seems to be that too many files are being
opened at the same time and the system runs out of gnodes. 

| Jeff Lo
| ..!{ames,hplabs,uunet}!elan!jlo
| Elan Computer Group, Inc.
| (415) 322-2450

--Srini	(srini at cs.wisc.edu)

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