lint pass2 error

John Rupley rupley at
Thu Nov 17 07:22:27 AEST 1988

In article <173 at>, ra at (Robert Andersson) writes:
> When running a *big* program through lint I consistently get the error message:
> /usr/lib/lint2: lint pass2 error: Too many names
> The program in question is some 20,000 lines, spread out over ~100 files and
> ~500 functions. It obviously overflows some internal lint buffer.
> Exactly what does the error message mean, and is there a way around it,
> like some 'undocumented' lint option or whatever?
> The system I get this on is an NCR Tower 32 running vanilla SVR2.

The relevant SVR2 limits that I have seen are 80 or 150 for the number of files
and 1024 for the symbol table size.  If you exceed either limit (your
error messaage corresponds to the number-of-files limit, I believe),
you may be able to:

(1) if you have source, recompile with NSZ and FSZ set to larger values;
this may not be possible with certain architectures (80286), without
a major rewrite of the code (arrays to pointers).

(2) if you do not have source:
(a) get your supplier to reconfigure lint2 (worth a :-?).
(b) construct a lint library containing all externals, and lint
file-by-file; you will that way get all the pass2 error messages about
inconsistent declarations, etc.; the constructing of the lint library
can be largely automated by use of a set of filters.

If anyone knows of other solutions, please post them.

John Rupley
rupley!local at

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