Anonymous ftp's

Steve DeJarnett steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Wed Nov 30 16:51:59 AEST 1988

In article <380001 at hpcea.CE.HP.COM> twakeman at hpcea.CE.HP.COM (Teriann Wakeman) writes:
>>Doug Comer has a good book out on the details of internetworking.
>Ah... Got any more info about this book? ie. name, publishing date/house?

	Availability:  Now
	Title:	Internetworking with TCP/IP -- Principles, Protocols, and
	Publisher:	Prentice-Hall
	Publishing Date: 1988
	Cost:	Around $40

Good book.  Explains the concepts well to those who are unfamiliar with TCP/IP,
but doesn't insult your intelligence if you do know something about it.

| Steve DeJarnett            | Smart Mailers -> steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU     |
| Computer Systems Lab       | Dumb Mailers  -> ..!ucbvax!voder!polyslo!steve |
| Cal Poly State Univ.       |------------------------------------------------|
| San Luis Obispo, CA  93407 | BITNET = Because Idiots Type NETwork           |

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